Monday, June 4, 2007

Not much to this post either

Well, I officially love it here. We had a bar-b-que with my family yesterday, called an asado. It was basically grilled slabs of meat and sausages. Everything here is served with yucca; which is called manicoa. And we drink tons of terere, cold yerba mate, a type of tea. They add different herbs to the water and it makes it really very refreshing; it is served in a cow horn cup called a ¨guampa¨ and drank from a straw called a ¨bomilla¨ it is a big part of the culture here. They have a whole ritual where they take a sip, and refill, and pass it on to the right in a circle. It is a really big part of the culture here, and a way they pass the afternoon when it is 105 and humid out.

My host family is super nice, they have a son Jorge (16) and a daugether (7) Daniella, and my host parents are, 36, Antonio and Dianol, and they are super nice. They have a little store in the front of the house, and the dad despenses charcoal as well. Well, I will blog more in the future when things get interesting.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your last name sucks.