Thursday, November 1, 2007



Well, I don’t even know if that is how it is really even spelled in GuaranĂ­ (the mother tongue of Paraguay), but that is how they say it: PeeKay. Paraguayans think that PeeKay is hilarious, tell anyone you have it, they laugh at you. Maybe that is because they think it is comical that you are unaccustomed to, and disgusted by, the idea of a parasite crawling about, eating away, inside your flesh. I find nothing humorous about PeeKay, much less the fact that I can actually feel the devil wiggling around inside my foot right now. So I am going cut my PeeKay out of its happy home before it breeds. Note, I do not have any medical background and I am pretty much just guessing as what to do, this in no way constitutues an approved PeeKay removal program.

Step One
Idenify PeeKay. Yep, that white circle in the middle of the red tender area is definitely Peekay, which is a worm of some kind.

Step Two
Heat and “sterilize” your pocket knife

Step Three
Dig PeeKay out of your flesh.

Step Four
Clean wound.
(Left, hole in my foot)

The really gross part, after cutting open my foot with a pocket knife, was pulling the worm out bit by bit with tweezers. I hope I got the egg sack.
Where did I get PeeKay? Probably the toilet seat; and/or hippies.